Thursday, February 26, 2009

2 Month Makeunder Round Up

Here are the Makeunder and Intention topics from the last two months, easy to browse, review, and catch up on all the action.

Intentional Obessions: all things lovely and (eventually) mine

A nice hunk'a watch

A bike made of gold

White marble... anything

End of the Week Exfoliation: all things lovely and (no longer) mine

Buh-bye boots

"Scrapping" the booking

Clothes to the curb

Pitching the Coolpix

Makeunder My: Meals: the three-week vegan cleanse, intention meets determination

Eating out on the cleanse

Taking the good with the bad

Sipping Starbucks on the cleanse

Cleanse summary: part one

Cleanse summary: part two

Dressing Charlotte: new ways to dress and accessorize with the same ol' stuff

Breaking my own rules

Silk scarves without looking old

Cardigans, t-shirts, and chains - my favorite look

Off the Chain Updates: breaking news from "the life self-employed"

Addison: the newest jewelry collection

Best piece of (e)mail ever to hit our inbox

Jess LC goes global

Interview about my design process


  1. You have been SO busy my dear! I love that not only are you actually DOING these things (or rather, un-doing them?) you are also keeping track of them. Sometimes it's hard to feel like you are moving forward when you feel stuck in the daily nitty-gritty, and it's such a great idea to look back on your progress and appreciate how far you have come.

  2. @ Citysage: Thanks! My hope is by keeping track of my progress with the roundup other people might see what may also work in their lives. I cannot wait to form a community of people with similar intentions!
