Friday, March 6, 2009

end of the week exfoliation

Another week comes to an end. I have to admit, this week's exfoliation item didn't get picked right away. I looked in my usual spots (kitchen, closet) and eventually came upon this woven belt which I have used the last two or three years. Last summer I wore it more out of necessity than choice. The weave has worn and stretched and it was not a high quality belt to begin with.

So this summer, I won't put up with mediocre. No need to keep it since I have another belt that will function just as well. Adios!


  1. I'm abt to go exfoliate my closet. I stood in there yesterday and while it appears full, I didn't have *anything* to wear. It's time to pare down and "not settle for mediocracy". Love that saying. Again, thanks for the inspiration.

  2. @ PS Erin: Great idea! You are right, it is a good indicator that there is room for making under when we can't find "anything to wear." When we don't like what we have on a daily basis, it no longer needs to be in our lives. Better to have a small wardrobe than a big one that doesn't work for us.
